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Spring League 2025 - MATCH DATES & LOCATIONS  (TBD)

Spring/Summer League 2025 matches schedule:

The TRY Calendar has all the current match details:


Matches - See the Rugby Colorado calendar for details



Kickoff times for each age group: ( arrival time is 45mins prior to KO)

​*Matches last 40 minutes depending 

A Schedule 

9:00 am - U8 

10:00 am - U10 

11:30 am - U12 

12:30 pm - Light (6th/7th)

1:30 pm - Open (7th/8th) /MS Girls  

B Schedule 

9:00 am - Open (7th/8th) / MS Girls 

10:00 am -  Light (6th/7th)

11:30 am - U12 

12:30 pm - U10 

1:30 pm - U8 


** Location may change


For the Uniform:

We require a mouthguard to play at all ages. The club will have the jerseys for them to use before each match.
The uniform is navy blue rugby shorts with navy blue soccer socks.  The socks are available at any sporting goods store/department.  We will be putting in an order for 303 branded Rugby shorts but you can also buy them through our website merchandise link from

If you do not have navy rugby shorts, gym shorts will work as well until then. Ideally navy blue but black will work as well if that's all you have. No patterns, stripes are ok.











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